[b]Your in-game name:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Your account name:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Ban reason as was stated in-game:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Admin who banned you:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]When you were banned:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Reason why you did it:[/b] TEXT HERE
# dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 0 ---> dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 1
# d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 0 ---> d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 1
# d3d9.presentInterval = -1 ---> d3d9.presentInterval = 1 (This forces the use of DXVK's Vsync implementation)
# d3d9.numBackBuffers = 0 ---> d3d9.numBackBuffers = 3 (This may further improve frametime stability while on Vsync)
Read more...- Manager - Null - Teachers - Null |
Read more about traffic lawsDo NOT kill the examiner Do NOT disobey traffic lights Do NOT park illegally Do NOT text and drive Do NOT drink and drive Do NOT drift Do NOT randomly switch lanes Do NOT drive in the opposite lane Do NOT race illegally Do NOT drive on the sidewalk Do NOT destroy state property Do NOT disobey speed limits Speed Limit: City-80 Highway-120 |
Student's FormInGame nickname: YourNameHere Do you have a passport? YourAnswerHere |
Teacher's FormTeachers Application Form InGame Nickname:<Answer here> When did you join Argonath:<Answer here> Rate your driving skills 0-10:<Answer here> Do you work for/at any other government agency? If yes, then mention them:<Answer here> Are you aware that you won't be paid for your duties as a SSDS Driving Instructor:<Answer here> Why you want to become a Driving Instructor:<Answer here> |
[center][glow=black,1,100][size=16pt][b][color=orange]Passport Application[/color][/b][/size][/glow][/center]
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Candidate name (IG):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Have you been in LC for 3 days or more?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Have you studied the materials?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[center][glow=black,1,100][size=16pt][color=orange][b]Examiner Application[/b][/color][/size][/glow][/center]
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Candidate name (IG):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you been in LC for a month or more?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you studied ALL the guides and materials proposed?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Do you have both passport and driving license?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]IRL Age:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Spoken languages:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you ever been banned from Argonath? If yes explain in which server, why and link your unban request:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Groups you belong to (Law Enf. Agencies, Administration, Clans, Companies, Associations):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]How many hours do you play IV:MP daily?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Your timezone (GMT):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Why do you want to join COL and become an Examiner? (at least 3 lines):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Why would we choose you over other applicants :[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Describe your journey in Argonath IV:MP since you've registered (at least 5 lines):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Do you understand that becoming a COL Official means dedicating time and effort to help players and not just fulfilling your mandatory duties?[/color][/b][/glow] answer