Recent posts

General / [MOD] Liberty City Customs by ...
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 19, 2024, 11:58 PM
Liberty City Customs

Make a backup before proceeding to install
After downloading, select your main game folder and press extract

Make a backup before proceeding to install
After downloading, select your main game folder and press extract. Enjoy!

Ideas & Suggestions / [Guide] How to suggest your id...
Last post by RememberMe - Mar 18, 2024, 10:40 AM
Greetings player,

You may have an idea to improve our experience in-game, then you can create a new topic and share your thoughts with other players, admins and developers.

What do you need to know before posting your idea(s) :

- Use a proper "subject" title which will explain your main idea. (EX. "How to improve Taxi job")
- Make sure your idea is new and no one else have suggested before.
- Share as more as possible details about your idea.
- Be ready to accept, new suggestions uppon your idea from other users.
- Some ideas need to check if client (GTA Connected) is able to support them.
- Take your time to learn more things about how the system works around your idea and then create your topic.

Any idea has a unique value feel free to share even your most crazy idea, with the proper base and presentation has more chances to be accepted.
Some suggestions may be shared at discord server, you may need to take a look the channel there as well. Staff memebers will have an eye on, to avoid double topics within this forum and discord.

Have fun and let us know about your ideas!
Businesses / [Guide] The businesses of Libe...
Last post by RememberMe - Mar 18, 2024, 08:50 AM
This section allows the citizens of Liberty City to present and develop their own businesses, introduce their companies or offer their services. The only limit here is your imagination and every idea is highly valued, so feel free to come up even with your craziest business ideas!

All topics which were inactive for over 6 months or were owned or run by an inactive player or group were locked and marked as closed so that it is clear which businesses are still operational.
If your topic got locked by accident, please send a message to board moderators and they will fix it as soon as possible!

Note : When you are creating a business you need to take care to NOT copy paste someone else idea, Laws of Liberty City are protecting new / unique ideas with copy-rights through Court section.

Few steps in order to open your own business and make it more legit :

- Need to know what your business offers. (A restaurant, a Dealership, News channel, e.t.c.)
- Need to have a name or a title.
- Need to have a location in-game to set it as business HQ. (Some business ideas may no need HQ)
- Need to create a topic / page here to make your business public. (Public means, people will know for sure about your business)

Best of luck with your businesses!
Unban Requests / How to post an unban request
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 17, 2024, 06:41 PM
Posting an unban request

Before writing a request to be unbanned please read this thread and familiarise yourself with the rules and other relevant information.

Part one: The Format

  • Each unban request must be made using the form below
  • If you do not know the answer to any of the questions, write 'Unknown' or an approximation
  • This information alone is not enough however, it is also required that you write supporting comments. If you dispute your ban you must state clearly what happened from your point of view, if you do not dispute the ban you must address your actions accordingly.
    So if you have been banned for using cheats for example you will need to acknowledge the use of cheats, confirm they have been removed and assure us that you will not use them again

Do not include the following in your unban request:

  • Your IP address or other personal information such as your email address
  • Your opinion about being banned
  • Your opinion about the admin who banned you or the staff as a whole
  • Any other information that is not relevant to the unban request

Part two: Extra information

There are a number of reasons why players may receive a server ban, some of those reasons are as follows:

  • Using cheats and modifications that gives you advantages over other players
  • Constantly deathmatching/flaming/ignoring administrators
  • Script abusing
  • Benefiting directly from rulebreaking by another player and not reporting it (i.e. keeping cheated weapons/money)
  • Exploiting a bug / glitch in the game that gives yourself an advantage
  • Explaining others how to use cheats or exploit bugs
  • Encouraging other players to break the rules
  • Promoting or advertising other game servers outside the Argonath community
  • Breaches of rules that are repeated or on-going
  • Account sharing
  • Trading ingame items or money for real life money

Players will often use various excuses to avoid prolonged punishment, it should be noted that we will not accept the following excuses:

  • Another person accessed your account and broke the rules in your absence
  • You used a cheat for what you perceive to be a legitimate reason such as movie making or defending yourself against another cheat user

We are known to take a lenient approach to players who have been banned but are open and honest about it, it is in your best interests to admit to the rule breaking immediately and thus secure the earliest possible unban date. If after investigating your case we believe you to be lying we will deny your unban request.

Part three: What (not) to do

The following are ways that can result in a denial / extension of your ban period:

  • Threatening any staff member
  • Making abusive comments about staff or players
  • Lying in your unban request
  • Sending (forum) PMs any staff member
  • Ban evading
  • Arguing about the outcome of your unban request

The following are good ways to have your ban lifted:

  • Being entirely honest and open in your unban request
  • Being patient
  • Being respectful towards the administrator who banned you and the HQ staff who will consider unbanning you
  • Remaining calm even when you dispute the circumstances of the ban

Remember, this is an unban request not a way for you to express your grievances. If you wish to make a complaint about a member of staff the only acceptable way to do this is to send a personal message to any of the leaders.

[b]Your in-game name:[/b] TEXT HERE

[b]Your account name:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Ban reason as was stated in-game:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]Admin who banned you:[/b] TEXT HERE
[b]When you were banned:[/b] TEXT HERE

[b]Reason why you did it:[/b] TEXT HERE
Court Hall / Courts - Registered Trademarks...
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 17, 2024, 05:54 PM
Dawn of Liberty

Driving Schools

"Second Street Driving School"
Patent Owner: City of Liberty, (Capital City of Liberty State)
Patent Rights:
Permission holder: Second Street Driving School ltd.
Copy-right on terms: Second Street Driving School, Second Street DS
Copy-right on Acronyms: SSDS
Driving School Permit - Teaching/Learning/Permitting
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date: Special Status

Events & Games



"Bank of Liberty"
Patent Owner: Bank of Liberty Inc.
Patent Rights:
Permission holder: Bank of Liberty Inc.
Copy-right on terms: Bank of Liberty, State of Liberty National Bank, National Bank of Liberty, National Bank, National Bank of Liberty
Copy-right on Acronyms: BoL, LCNB
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date: Special Status


Patent Owner: The Federal Bureau of Investigation Commander, the Head of the State of Argonath
Patent Rights: This recognize the official existence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Legal Entity in charge of enforcing the law at a Federal level
Copy-right on terms: "Federal Bureau of Investigationl", "Feds","Secret Services", "Presidential Protection (+ any subform)", "Prime Minister Protection (+ any subform), "Federal" (unless agreement given to other entity), the "Agent" rank, the "Special Agent" rank, the "Commissioned Agent" rank, the "Federal Bureau of Investigation Second Commander", the "Federal Bureau of Investigation Commander".
Copy-right on Acronyms: "FBI", "FSS", "FRU", "FCIU", "FSS"
Law Enforcement and National Security Organization without restrictions.
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date:Special Status

Patent Owner: (The) National Office of Security Enforcement Commander, the Head of the State of Argonath
Patent Rights: This recognize the official existence of the National Office of Security Enforcement as a Legal Entity in charge of enforcing the law.
Copy-right on terms: "(The) National Office of Security Enforcement", "(The) TRU", "Tactical Response Unit", "(The) CIU", "Crime Investigation Unit", the "Commander" rank, the "TRU Lieutenant" rank, the "TRU Sergeant" rank, the "TRU Operative" rank, the "CIU Inspector" rank, the "CIU Senior Detective" rank, the "CIU Detective" rank, the "N.O.O.S.E. Cadet" rank.
Copy-right on Acronyms: "(The) NOOSE", "(The) N.O.OS.E.", "(The) NOoSE", "(The) N.O.o.S.E.", "(The) TRU", "(The) T.R.U", "(The) CIU", "(The) C.I.U"
Law Enforcement and National Security Organization without restrictions according to the law
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date:Special Status

Patent Owner: (The) Liberty City Police Department Chief, the Head of the State of Argonath
Patent Rights: This recognize the official existence of The Liberty City Police Department as a Legal Entity in charge of enforcing the law.
Copy-right on terms: "(The) Liberty City Police Department", "(The) HP", "LCPD Highway Patrol", the "Chief" rank, the "LCPD Cadet,  "LCPD Officer" rank, the "LCPD Senior Officer" rank, the "LCPD Sergeant" rank, the "LCPD Lieutenant" rank, the "LCPD Captain" rank, the "LCPD Deputy Chief" rank, the "LCPD Chief of Police" rank, the "LCPD HP Trainee" rank, the "HP Trooper" rank, the "HP Sergeant" rank, the "HP Lieutenant" rank, the "HP Colonel" rank.
Copy-right on Acronyms: "LCPD", "L.C.P.D", "(The) LCPD", "LCPD Command.", "LCPD Upper Command", "LCPD Highway Patrol".
Law Enforcement and National Security Organization without restrictions according to the law
Granted Date:Special Status
Expiration Date:Special Status

Patent Owner: (The) Liberty City Emergency Services Chief, the Head of the State of Argonath
Patent Rights: This recognize the official existence of the Liberty City Emergency Services as a Legal Entity in charge of medical services for citizens of Liberty City.
Copy-right on terms: "Liberty City Emergency Services", "Emergency Medical Services", "LCEMS", "EMS".
Copy-right on Acronyms: "EMS", "ems", "Emergency Medical Services", "LCEMS", "Liberty City Emergency Medical Services", "The EMS", "The ems".
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date:Special Status

Patent Owner: (The) Liberty City Fire Department Chief, the Head of the State of Argonath
Patent Rights: This recognize the official existence of the Liberty City Fire Department as a Legal Entity in charge of fire protection and rescue services for citizens of Liberty City.
Copy-right on terms: "(The) Liberty City Fire Department", "(The) Fire Department of Liberty City", "(The) Fire Rescue Division - Station 1 ", "(The) Airport Fires Division ", "(The) Fire Protection Bureau ", "(The) FDLC/LCFD Chief" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Deputy Chief" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Station Commander" rank,"(The) FDLC/LCFD Command Advisor" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Captain" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Lieutenant" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Engineer" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Firefighter" rank, "(The) FDLC/LCFD Cadet" rank,
Copy-right on Acronyms: "(The) FDLC", "(The) F.D.L.C", "(The) LCFD", "(The) L.C.F.D", "(The) FR Division", " (The) AF Division", "(The) FPB".
Granted Date: Special Status
Expiration Date: Special Status


Court Hall / Courts - Structure
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 17, 2024, 05:43 PM
Liberty State Supreme Judge
    of the
Liberty State Supreme Court

Liberty State Judge
    of the
Liberty State Supreme Court

State Attorney
    of the
State of Liberty

Temporary Judge
      of the
State of Liberty

Temporary Judge
      of the
State of Liberty
City Hall / Government & Services
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 17, 2024, 05:35 PM
Government & Services

Dawn of Liberty

The President of the Dawn of Liberty:

The Prime Minister of the Dawn of Liberty:

The Governor of the State of Liberty

Parliament of the State of Liberty

The Minister of National Security and Homeland Protection:

The Minister of Citizenship and Migration:

The Minister of Licensing and Traffic:

The Minister of Financials:

The Minister of Social Life and Communication:

The Chief of the Liberty City Police Department:

The Commander of the National Office of Security Enforcement:

The Commander of the Liberty City's Federal Bureau of Investigation:

The Chief of the Liberty City Fire Department:

The Chief of the Liberty City's Emergency medical services:

The official government location:

Governor Office / Liberty State Hall
Denver Ave.
Liberty City, Algonquin

State Parliament / Civilization Committee
Albany Ave.
Liberty City, Algonquin

Mayor Office / Liberty City City Hall
Diomond St.
Liberty City, Algonquin

The official courts location:

Courts of the State of Liberty
Frankfort Ave.
Liberty City, Algonquin

The official passports/visa offices:

Citizen of Liberty / State Hall
Denver Ave.
Liberty City, Algonquin

Citizen of Liberty / City Hall Dukes
Munsee Ave.
Liberty City, Dukes

The official driving licensing:
Second Street Driving School
Support / DXVK - Optimization for games ...
Last post by Kerrar - Mar 17, 2024, 05:26 PM
Hi there,

As we all know, GTA IV is not the best game when it comes to running on PC.
Advances in hardware technology have made it easier for more people to get on board to play IV but they still have issues sometimes, such as heavy lagspikes or unstable fps.

Until recently I was unaware of this, but there seems to be a trick to get Direct3D calls into VULKAN, essentially running the game on VULKAN for what your graphics card is concerned.
Your graphics card however MUST support VULKAN. More on it below.
This trick is called DXVK. Originally made for use on Linux by translating Direct3D 9/10/11 calls into VULKAN which allowed 3D applications to run on Linux using Wine.

Despite the fact that DXVK was not intented for use on windows, this trick also works well on Windows.
It is not limited to Direct3D 9 games and can be used on Direct3D 10/11 games as well, hence why the post title is generic regardless of me posting this in IV:MP boards.

As I have ran DXVK myself on GTA IV, it seems to make the game run much smoother and in some occasions I get higher fps.

If you want to try it out for yourself you can download DXVK here.
When done downloading, you open the tar.gz file, browse through the x32 folder and copy d3d9.dll and dxgi.dll to your GTA IV root folder. That should be it, start the game and play around for a couple of minutes.
Lagspikes should occur as DXVK is caching data. I would call this the 'loading' phase. After a couple of minutes, the game should run smoothly.

In some cases the GTAIV.exe doesn't pick the d3d9.dll file. I don't know why that is. You can check using MSI Afterburner and Rivatuner Statistics Server (enable FPS view in overlay) which API is being used. You want to see VULKAN and NOT D3d9 in the overlay. If you see D3d9, then close the game, rename the D3D9.dll file in your GTA folder to dxvk.dll and restart game. Now it should be fixed. Usually this is not needed but if for you it is required, here is a simple fix.

Also if you are using GTA Connected and their downgrader Retail folder, drop the same files for DXVK in that Retail folder, so it work on both GTAC and in vanilla game for story mode.

If you notice that you are running on the lowest settings and you cannot change your graphics settings due to being locked to 512mb, do the following:
Create a text file named commandline.txt in GTA IV root folder. Modify the file by adding the following line:

Code (commandline.txt) Select
Then start your game, set desired settings and play the game. Happy days!

If you still experience some stuttering, you could try downloading dxvk.conf and putting it in your GTA IV root folder.
Then modify the file by removing the # marks at the maxFrameLatency settings and change their values from 0 to 1. Example given below:

Code (dxvk.conf before/after) Select
# dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 0   --->   dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 1
# d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 0   --->   d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 1

Tired of GTA IV's built-in Vsync? Use DXVK's Vsync implementation as this gives less CPU overhead than the game's built-in variant, modify the following in the same dxvk.conf file:

Code (dxvk.conf before/after) Select
# d3d9.presentInterval = -1   --->   d3d9.presentInterval = 1 (This forces the use of DXVK's Vsync implementation)
# d3d9.numBackBuffers = 0     --->   d3d9.numBackBuffers = 3 (This may further improve frametime stability while on Vsync)

Sometimes the async variant of DXVK might work better for you, but it's rare. Usually works great out of the box.

Do you desire to use ENB? Then rename the d3d9.dll (from DXVK, NOT your ENB) to dxvk.dll.
This way you can use the original d3d9.dll from your respective ENB in the root folder of GTA IV together with DXVK.
Although I do not recommend running ENB on GTA Connected as of August 2023, the date I am writing this, as it seems to be a hit or miss.
It either works or you load into a blackscreen with only map and icon/blips loading. The latter occurs far more often.

Last but not least, if for any reason you are not happy with the results or want to use vanilla IV again, you can just remove the files for DXVK, including the cache file it created on it's own inside the root folder. No vanilla files will be replaced by installing DXVK so getting rid of it is that simple.

Some mention that version v1.9.4 works best on IV, others mention v2.0, but I have no issues to report running the latest version of DXVK (v2.3 as of now).

Supported Graphics Cards include:

NVIDIA Kepler or newer   (GTX 600 series+)
AMD GCN 1 or newer   (HD 7000 series+)
Intel HD 500 or newer (Skylake+)

City Hall / [SSDS] Second Street Driving S...
Last post by RememberMe - Mar 17, 2024, 10:27 AM

Driving License Application are : Closed
Teachers Application are : Closed

Official Second Street Driving School is a place where you can learn to drive safely on the road and get certified as a licensed driver in Liberty City. By joining us, you will be able to learn the basics of driving and behaving in traffic in the territory of this city. What we expect from you is to read the general rules of behaving in traffic and read the application form and terms before applying for a driving test with us. Also, we want you to know why we do this. Our headquarters are located in North Algonquin's Lancaster as seen down below in the headquarters section.

Staff list

- Manager -


- Teachers -


Basic Traffic Laws

Read more about traffic laws
Do NOT kill the examiner
Do NOT disobey traffic lights
Do NOT park illegally
Do NOT text and drive
Do NOT drink and drive
Do NOT drift
Do NOT randomly switch lanes
Do NOT drive in the opposite lane
Do NOT race illegally
Do NOT drive on the sidewalk
Do NOT destroy state property
Do NOT disobey speed limits
Speed Limit: City-80 Highway-120

A word of notice

Always remember that our work is an honest one. We are here to help you become a better driver and we do so on our free will. We have a lot of students and their numbers are always rising hence teachers might not be able to give you a lesson/exam whenever you want them to. Do not be impatient, respect our time and we will respect yours. Available driving teachers in-game can be displayed by typing the /dt command.

Considering those facts, please be advised the following:
  • We will not accept any kind of bribe in order to give out a drivers license.
  • We do not accept any kind of payments or salaries for our work.
  • All exams are free.
  • Do not pester teachers to give you lessons or tests if stated busy.

Application forms and terms

In order for us to accept your application you must post the correct form for it which you can see below, along with owning a passport. By doing so your application may also act as a notification for our teachers that there is a new applicant. Once your application is checked, you may receive your driving test.

Reminder: In order to receive driving lessons you need to have a passport. If you do not possess it check this topic - [PASSPORT] Citizens of Liberty (COL)

Application form for students

Student's Form

InGame nickname: YourNameHere
Do you have a passport? YourAnswerHere

  • Your general sense of driving skills should be determined upon your ability to precisely direct a vehicle and efficiently use its good characteristics while at the same time maintaining control over the bad ones.
  • Your situational awareness is connected to the ability to quickly respond to actions of cars around you or to any other influence from the world that is surrounding you i.e. interfering of regular traffic.

Application form for Teacher

Teacher's Form
Teachers Application Form

InGame Nickname:<Answer here>
When did you join Argonath:<Answer here>
Rate your driving skills 0-10:<Answer here>
Do you work for/at any other government agency? If yes, then mention them:<Answer here>
Are you aware that you won't be paid for your duties as a SSDS Driving Instructor:<Answer here>
Why you want to become a Driving Instructor:<Answer here>


Headquarters is located in Quartz St, Lancaster, North Algonquin, Liberty City.
City Hall / [COL] Citizens of Liberty - Pa...
Last post by RememberMe - Mar 17, 2024, 10:13 AM

Passport Application are currently : Closed   
COL Examiner Applications are currently : Closed

Citizens of Liberty was founded in order to provide a more citizen-friendly experience and give more and easily accessible information and guides. It is our duty to help anyone needing assistance without having anything back. Citizens of Liberty Officials are not paid for their work.

Our main job is to grant the passport clarification for all Citizens via an entry test. If one passes the test, he shall be granted with full Citizen rights. Becoming a Citizen of Liberty City opens a wide range of opportunities. An official Citizen is able to:
- Apply for jobs requiring Passport (LCPD, FBI, NOOSE and other private organizations).
- Apply for Driving License, essential in order to buy and drive owned vehicles.
- Buy properties (houses and businesses).
- Obtain a Passport and full Citizen rights.

More informations about the organization and how to become a Citizen are listed below.

Citizens of Liberty Office / City Hall Dukes
Munsee Ave.
Liberty City, Dukes

Must Watch!

How to become a Citizen of Liberty City

To become a Citizen of Liberty City you will first need to post an application using the Passport Application Form coded below, and wait for it to get noted by one of our Staff. You will then need to contact a COL Official in-game using the /col command and pass through an entry test.

As mentioned above, if you pass the test, you will be granted with full Citizen rights and therefore will be capable of enjoying the city at its finest. On the other hand, if you fail the test for any reason, you will then have to wait at least 24 hours before contacting one of our Citizens of Liberty Officials for another test.

The examination test will focus on some important topics that a Citizen must know. They will help you figure out how living in Liberty City is and introduce you to the entire Argonath RPG world. The test is all about the way the server and the community works and behaves.

It is important to note however that during the test you are not at all allowed to come back to this topic and read the materials, nor PM any unauthorized person in-game asking for the answers. You will be completely on your own during the exam, so you better study all the required materials to its fullest.

You are required to read with attention the following guides:
- Server Rules
Server Commands
- Liberty City Government
- Administration Team
Argonath Vision (not asked in the test, but essential)
FAQ - Additional info

Passing this test and becoming a Citizen is a symbolic proof that you know and respect all the Server Rules and mechanics listed in the materials above, which means that you will not be seen as a "newcomer" anymore. With that said, it is important that you keep up a good image of yourself to everyone around you. At this point, as a full Citizen you have to serve as an example to the newcomers in the best way possible. So any kind of misbehavior that contradicts with anything stated in the materials above may cause the revocation of one's Citizen rights.

We wish you best of luck with your future in this community.

Passport Application Forms and Terms

First of all, in order for the COL Staff to note your application and carry on your Passport Test, you must use the correct application form coded below. To apply, simply reply to this topic using the following form:
[center][glow=black,1,100][size=16pt][b][color=orange]Passport Application[/color][/b][/size][/glow][/center]

[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Candidate name (IG):[/color][/b][/glow]  answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Have you been in LC for 3 days or more?[/color][/b][/glow]  answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=#00936F]Have you studied the materials?[/color][/b][/glow]  answer

Make sure that you pass the following requirements before applying for a Passport Test:
- You must have a proper behaviour, follow the rules and respect other players.
- Your registration date must be at least 3 days old.
- You must have studied the materials listed above.

Note that both the exam and the Passport are completely free. Distrust whoever asks you money for that!

Examiner Application Forms and Terms

On the other hand, if you already have a Passport and a Driver License and are here to apply for a COL Official Examiner position, reply to this topic using the following form:

[center][glow=black,1,100][size=16pt][color=orange][b]Examiner Application[/b][/color][/size][/glow][/center]

[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Candidate name (IG):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you been in LC for a month or more?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you studied ALL the guides and materials proposed?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Do you have both passport and driving license?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]IRL Age:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Spoken languages:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Have you ever been banned from Argonath? If yes explain in which server, why and link your unban request:[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Groups you belong to (Law Enf. Agencies, Administration, Clans, Companies, Associations):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]How many hours do you play IV:MP daily?[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Your timezone (GMT):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Why do you want to join COL and become an Examiner? (at least 3 lines):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Why would we choose you over other applicants :[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Describe your journey in Argonath IV:MP since you've registered (at least 5 lines):[/color][/b][/glow] answer
[glow=black,1,100][b][color=green]Do you understand that becoming a COL Official means dedicating time and effort to help players and not just fulfilling your mandatory duties?[/color][/b][/glow] answer

Before applying for a Examiner Position, make sure you pass the following requirements:
- You must have a good behaviour in general, respecting rules, players and administration members.
- You must have a very good knowledge of how Argonath works and especially the IV:MP server.
- You must have a never ending list of good adjectives!
- You must been playing on IV:MP server for more than one month.
- You must possess both Passport and Driving License.

Note that COL Officials are not paid and do not receive any kind of expense reimbursement. Also, if you applied for the examiner position, please do not bump your application or make posts such as "Still interested!" or "Updated." unless you are asked to do so.

This topic is meant for applications only. Only applicants, COL officials and administration team members performing COL duties are allowed to post here. Any other posts will be deleted. Also make sure not to create useless reposts.

If you have any questions contact our staff members privately.